Are there any limitations of the E911 service that WOW! Phone service provides?
There are certain circumstances where E911 capabilities may not work. If you move the modem or eMTA to another address without notifying WOW!, your 911 call may be routed to the wrong authorities and incorrect address information will be transmitted. IF YOU MOVE, YOU MUST CONTACT WOW! TO SCHEDULE A TIME TO MOVE YOUR SERVICES
For more information on moving, click here. WOW! Phone services, including 911, will not work if service is interrupted for any reason including: failure of modem or eMTA, power outage at your home, outage of our network, or disconnection of your WOW! services due to non-payment. WOW! Phone service (including access to 911) is not available in the event of a power outage or if you lose your broadband connection.